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The Advantage of Satan
To fight blindly against an enemy one has little to no information is a great disaster. Sadly though, that’s the predicament of many Christians – they are at a loss as to who satan is, his schemes and tactics and modus operandi by which he overcomes believers. Of course, it’s possible for satan to outsmart a Christian. That, however, ought not to be so. It is an error. It’s for this reason I unveil to you areas of satan’s advantage by which he outsmarts Christians and influences us. What you don’t know, you can’t do much about. Get knowledge on how the enemy gets an upper hand over you and overcome him. This book shows you how.

A Father's Advice To His Children
The wisest king to walk the earth – King Solomon, postulated that in the multitude of counselors, there is safety. The wisdom of this statement is that you are more likely to make a wrong move outside the counsel of those who have gone ahead of you. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun. that decision you want to make under those circumstances have been taken before; others have travelled the path you wish to walk on and its only wisdom to pay heed to the counsels of those who have been where you want to go or at least have travelled the path you want to walk on. In this book, I share with you the counsels fathers gave their children and the wisdom of paying heed to counsels from elders. Take advantage of these advices and secure your destiny for good.

Correcting Some Misconceptions About Prayer
Prayer is an important activity in every religion on the face of the earth. It is how one communicates to his deity. Although many pray, it’s sad that only a few really understand prayer, its tenets, why we do it and the proper way to go about it. Many false concepts have crept into Christianity over the subject of prayer and this book is an attempt to shed light on some of the wrong thinking and beliefs of people as regards the all-important subject of prayer in Christendom.

Remember Lot's Wife
Of all the women in the Bible, Lots wife is the only one Jesus singled out and says to remember. What did she do to warrant remembrance? Are we to remember her for good or evil? Are there life lessons to pick up from her story? In this masterpiece, the author takes you on a journey into the life of Lots wife and other bible characters worth remembering as he unveils to you their secrets – exploits, strengths, and weaknesses – and how to avoid the errors of their lives in your own life so as to guarantee a better life than they had.

The Mystery of Marriage
Marriage is not a government or society created institution. Marriage is a God-instituted programme. Unfortunately, because many do not understand this simple truth, they abuse their marriages. God instituted marriage and designed it to function a certain way. If you create and choose any other way apart from that created by the manufacturer – God, disaster and heartache is what awaits you. Nobody buys a product and then decides how the product should work. That’s crazy yet that’s what we do with marriage – using our own ideas to run it. This book unveils the mystery of marriage and how God, the manufacturer designed it to be. Once you have the understanding of the manufacturer, you can successfully operate the product called marriage and benefit maximally from it.

Let No Man Put Asunder
Life is all about relationships. Why do you think the relationship, marriage “industry” is so choked with several people trying to figure out how to live successful and fulfilled lives one with another. All the problems in the world is caused by humans and their relationships one with another. God himself ordains relationships for us for our benefit. Relationships are designed to be systems of advantage for the parties in it. Quite unfortunately though, so many relationships (in general) are breaking and being destroyed because of challenges not well handled. I have news for you. Your God-ordained relationship with another human should not be destroyed because you lack knowledge. No! There are a couple of things you have to understand. This book is a clarion call to shout on the mountaintop the wisdom of Jesus – what therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder. You’re responsible for whether your relationships break or continue flourishingly to the very end. The secrets are in this book.

Encounter Through Books
I’m sure you know or have heard of the humiliating adage associated with the African – if you want to hide something from a black man, write it in a book. Why? He’d never read it. This book is my own contribution to combating the problem of not reading in Africa. It’s a book that challenges you to rise up and become an avid reader. Using the scriptures and stories of great men, you’d be greatly inspired to become an avid reader by this book and an avid reader you must be.

The Life of Jesus Before His Public Ministry
Who on this earth doesn’t know that the greatest man to walk this planet is no other but Jesus Christ? You cannot argue with the truth. If you doubt, then find out what AD and BC mean in our calendars and you’d appreciate what I’m saying. Bishop David Oyedepo says that the secrets of men is in their stories and that if you find the secrets of great men and apply yourself to the principles they applied, then your own life of greatness is assured. Jesus Christ is the greatest of men! What other wisdom would supersede a quest to investigate his life and discover the secrets to his greatness? That’s exactly what this book affords you. Jesus lived for 33 years – the first 30 years as a private person and the other 3 years as a public figure. Jesus’ great public success is anchored on the 30 years he lived in obscurity. If Jesus lived in private for 30 long years only to spend 3 years as a public figure and became the greatest of men, then we need not just study his life. Much more than his public feats, we ought to study his 30 years private life. Valid right? Well, that’s why I wrote this book. I’d say no further. You need to read this book. Wisdom is justified of her children.

Light On The Scriptures Series
Have you realized that growing up, you go through seasons of initial learning, then unlearning some of the things you learnt and re-learning other things? None of us have absolute knowledge and that’s why this book is important to every Christian. Growing up, we have been instructed in certain truths which unfortunately are not accurate. Many are not false yet they are not entirely accurate. They are a mixture of the pure Word of God and the traditions of men put together. This series in two volumes is an attempt by the author to throw light on certain beliefs in Christendom, revealing what the bible says clearly and what it doesn’t say. Right believing produces right living and it’s for this reason you have to read this series