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Lead your emotions; don’t let your emotions lead you

I’m pretty sure you find the topic for this write up interesting and you’re here to read what I have to say on the subject. Well, you’re welcome. You know what though? There really is no explanation to the topic. It’s self-explanatory. Lead your emotions, don’t let your emotions lead you already know that right? So why are you not doing it? Probably because

1.You don’t know how to

2.You enjoy the experience of your emotions sometimes

3.You’re not convinced and really committed to leading your emotions

If you fall into category 1, then use this link to access how to lead your emotions article

For category 2 & 3, it’s pretty difficult to help you. What you need is a mindset renewal to begin with and then the discipline to follow through with your decision to live a life that pleases God. What I can offer you is the stories of men and women who allowed their emotions have the better part of them and the dying consequences thereof. Hopefully, these stories would jumpstart you to see your potential end should you continue the path of blindly following your emotions and thus make an abrupt U-turn for the better. This link here is likewise for you.

Having stated these facts, you really can’t do it all by yourself. You need help, we all do. The help you need is the assistance of the Holy Spirit. He is the expert at helping people. I invite you therefore to pray with me and seek his help. Say with me

Father, thank you for today. I’m messed up- a slave of my emotions and desires. I ask for your help. Lord, help me to lead my emotions in the direction of your spirit and not allow my emotions lead me. I receive your help today and declare that as from today, by your help, I lead my emotions in line with your Word. Thank you for your help. I’m grateful. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen



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