Love – Side A & B
It was all joyous the day you said yes
I knew you were the one for me
Never have I been excited as the moments we shared
The outings, the kisses and the pizzas
Nothing else mattered, not family, not friends, just you.
Every day was an “Our Day” for me, full of fun and bubbles
Then the sudden realization that love is two-fold
What we shared the first two years was side A of the love coin
I didn’t know love was painful
I didn’t know that side B of love was real sacrifice
I didn’t even imagine we would quarrel
I thought it was all rosy
Naa. I was wrong.
Now I know better
You’re the perfect princess yet you have your flaws
And I have to love you despite your faults
I have to stop trying to change you to suite and make me happy
I must accept and love you as you are
Trusting God that he’d do the rest
But I am not giving up on you
If love is side A and B, then I choose to express both
Make the best of both.
I am disappointed, yh but that’s k
It’s time to rise up to the true life of love.
Babe, I’ve chosen to love you and guess what?
I’d do so today, yesterday and forever